

Pharaoh's daughter keeps Moses despite murderous oppression of Egyptians

Life Of Moses Lesson 1

Exodus 1 & 2:1-10

Aim: God's Sovereignty and provision over man's plans is evidenced in the events leading to Moses' early childhood

  1. The first few generations of Israel grew prosperous and strong
    1. (1-5) Sons of Israel came to Egypt with Jacob (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, & Judah, Issachar, Zebulun & Benjamin, Dan (Joseph already there) & Naphtali, Gad & Asher)
    2. (5-6) the whole family was 70 people, they all died
    3. (7) People of Israel were fruitful, increased greatly & grew exceedingly strong so the land was filled with them
    4. Principle: People tend to forget the people that gave them life just a few generations ago
    5. Application: Am I grateful and respectful of previous generations? How do I show that, do I take time to show that I care? How will I be remembered? Is there anything in my life I want others to remember about me?
  2. The new generation of Egyptians feared Israel & wanted them dead, but God blessed them
    1. (8-10) New king, didn't know Joseph, feared Israel's strength (in case of war)
    2. (11-14) king's men set up taskmasters, heavy burdens, slavery, bitter work - but Israel multiplied & spread abroad, Egyptians dreaded them
    3. (15-17) king ordered Hebrew midwives kill boys, let girls live - but they feared God, disobeyed king
    4. (18-19) king questioned midwives disobedience, story about Egyptian woman not being as vigorous as Hebrews
    5. (20-21) God dealt well with midwives, people multiplied, grew strong & because they feared God he gave them families
    6. (22) Pharaoh commanded all his people to cast every Hebrew son that is born into the Nile, let daughter live.
    7. Principle: People hurt others they fear, but nothing can prevent God from blessing those who fear him.
    8. Application: Do I mistreat people out of fear? Do I dread people who prosper against all odds? Am I more like the Midwives willing to do the right thing out of fear of God, or do I fear authority more than God? What blessing have I received from God? What changes should I make in my life to be in right standing with God? Where should I be trusting God, rather than fearing people?
  3. Moses is born and Pharaoh's daughter saves him, sister shrewdly suggests plan allowing birth mom to nurse
    1. (1-2) Levites conceived Moses and kept him 3 months
    2. (3-4) Mom puts baby in river boat & puts sister at distance
    3. (5-6) baby Moses discovered by Pharaoh's daughter, pitied him
    4. (7-9) Sister steps in and offers help, getting mom to nurse & get paid
    5. (10) When he grew up, he becomes Pharaoh's daughter's son - she named him Moses (drew him out of the water)
    6. Principle: Opportunity comes to those who are prepared for them
    7. Application: Have I ever been put in a place or given a task that seemed boring? Did I miss an opportunity because of not being prepared or at work? Have I seen opportunity as an obstacle? Have I let an opportunity pass without providing a suggestion that could help two seemingly opposing sides win? What needs to happen in my life to recognize that God is in control and has placed me in my circumstances to do amazing things for His glory?

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