

Golden Calf worship, breaks God’s law and reveals His mercy

Aim: God is Holy, Creator, moral and merciful

A) Forgetful Israelites worship man made golden calf
(32:1) Moses , long time on mount  people ask Aaron to make gods
(2-4) Aaron makes golden calf – “these are your gods who brought you out of Egypt”
(5-6) Aaron built altar, festival
Application: God is holy, separate from creation, not created. What time will I set aside ever day to welcome the Lord into my life and seek his will for my life?

B) God sees sin and hand writes the law on tablets
(7-10) God sees ‘stiff necked’ tells Moses he could destroy them make him a great nation
(11-14) Moses sought favor with God, that honor is for Abraham, Isaac and Israel
(15-16) two tablets, both sides written by God
Application: God is the Creator, he created the moral code that we all agree is true and good. What will I do to show humility and humble myself to the Lord?

C) Party ends with broken law, destroyed idol, dead people and atonement to God
(17-20) Joshua w/ Moses hear party and breaks tablets, burned the calf and scattered it in water
(21-24) Moses blames Aaron, Aaron tries to evade, blames them ‘it just happened’
(25-26) Israel laughing stock, Levites for Lord
(27-29) Levites kill wild people, set apart to Lord, blessed
(30-32) Moses says to people ‘you committed great sin, I’ll atone with Lord
(33-35) Lord says I’ll blot out whoever sinned against me
(33:1-3) Lord to Moses go to promised land, I’ll send my angel before you to drive out people
(4-6) People distressed mourn
Application: When God our Savior saved us it was because of His loving kindness, it was His mercy. Since we didn’t deserve his pardon, how will we show this loving kindness to others and live a life rich in mercy?

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