

Jesus teaches how God blesses people

AIM: Jesus followers are blessed to bless others, rewarded in heaven
A) Jesus teaches how God’s blessing come and who they come to
(1-2) Jesus, with disciples teaches crowds on mountainside
(3-5) God blesses with heaven, comfort, earth to poor/realize need for him, mourn and humble
(6-7) God blesses with satisfaction and mercy to hunger for justice yet are merciful
(8-10) God blesses with seeing God, named children and heaven to pure hearts, work for peace, persecuted for doing right (verse 6)
(11-12) God blesses persecuted followers of Jesus, heavenly reward - remember scripture
(13-16) You are: Salt earth good flavor or thrown out, light world gives household good deeds seen, result praise heavenly father
Application: Where do I fall on the progressive scale of God’s blessings? Am I still just poor, realizing my need for him or have I mourned my sin looking for comfort from regret? Have I been humbled to receive blessings on earth? Do I hunger and thirst for the righteousness (6) that brings persecution (8-10)? What is the Spirit of God telling me?

B) Jesus teaches the purpose of God’s law and how it’s accomplished
(17-19) Jesus to accomplish purpose of law/prophets/scripture - don’t ignore any commandments but obey and teach others (greatness in heaven)
(20) WARNING! Your righteousness must be better than Pharisees and teachers of religious law or you won’t enter heaven!
Application: Jesus is the one who came to accomplish the law, prophets and scripture. Righteousness is more than knowing it’s believing God in your heart. What is the foundation of my righteousness? Do I understand how Jesus accomplished the law?

C) Jesus explains what was meant by God’s law and how children of God behave
(21-22) You heard.. murder subject to judgement, but also angry and curse words
(23-24) You gift God, remember someone against you, leave, reconcile, return giving to God
(25-26) You with adversary/accuser, settle difference quickly avoid court, judge, officer, prison
(27-28) You heard.. but look with lust = adultery in heart.
(29-30) Throw away parts of yourself that causes sin, rather than lose all of yourself in hell
(31-32) You heard.. but divorce and remarriage causes adultery
(33-37) You heard.. but vows (by heaven, earth, my life) are from evil one - simple yes or no
(38-42) You heard.. eye for eye, but don’t resist evil people or repay evil with evil
(40-42) Give more than asked or required (from adversary, under duress or someone without means)
(43-44) You heard.. Love neighbor, hate enemy but love enemies pray for persecutors
(45-48) Act like true children of God: light, rain to all, perfect love cares for enemies like family

Application: What is my new understanding of righteousness and mercy? How will my reaction to adversity change in light “being a true child of God”? Where do I struggle with sin? Will I ask God to remove the part of me that is causing me to sin?