

Judah falls to Bablylon, Daniel is trained into king’s service

AIM: God is sovereign over my circumstances, opportunities and abilities

A) Lord allows Judah to be exiled to Babylon
(1-2) Lord gives King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon victory over King Jehoiakim, Jerusalem, allows sacred temple objects to go with him, to his god

B) Daniel and 3 others are chosen for 3 years of training
(3-5) Ashpenaz, chief of staff ordered to get young, noble, strong, healthy men to be trained in language and literature of Babylon for 3 years
(6-7) Daniel (Belteshazzar), Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego) from Judah chosen
(8-10) Daniel determined not to defile himself eating food/wine from king, asked to eat vegetables & water – but Ashpenaz afraid he’ll get unhealthy
(11-14) Daniel suggest the attendant give them vegetables & water, 10 days – then decide
(15-16) 10 days passed healthier, so attendant continued

C) God provided them with aptitude for understanding and abilities 10 times greater than others
(17) God gave these men aptitude for understanding (literature and wisdom), Daniel interpret meanings of visions and dreams
(18-19) 3 years later king was most impressed with these 4, they entered royal service

(20-21) they were 10 times more capable than magician, enchanters 

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