

Lamb of God is praised for taking the sealed scroll

Revelation 5
Aim: Seeing Jesus as the our redeemer results in a life of worship

A) No one but the Lamb of God is found worthy to take the scroll and break the seals
(5:1) At Right of him on throne a scroll, writing on both sides, sealed 7 seals
(2) mighty angel, loud proclaiming "who is worthy to break the seals and open?"
(3) no one in heaven/earth/under earth could open or even look inside.
(4) John wept because no one was found worthy
(5) Elder said, don't weep Lion of Judah, Root of David has triumphed, He's able to open the scroll and 7 seals
Application: People around me are hurting, how am I noticing and caring for them and pointing them to Jesus

B) Jesus the slain Lamb of God is worthy to take the sealed scroll.
(6) Lamb, looking as if it had been slain standing at the center of the throne, encircled by four living creatures and elders. 7 hours, seven eyes-7 spirits of God sent out into all the earth.
(7) He went, took scroll from right hand of him who sat on the throne.
Application: How am I trusting Jesus for justice in the world? I've trusted him for salvation, how is my life evidencing that I'm trusting him for the end judgement?

C) Jesus blood, makes us a kingdom of priests, living to bring glory to God.
(8) When he had taken it, 4 living creatures & 24 elders fell down before the lamb. each had a harp, golden bowls full of incense, prayers of God's people.
(9) sang a new song "worthy to take the scroll, open it's seals, because slain, blood purchased for God persons from all over the world
(10) made them kingdom and priests to serve our God, reign on the earth
(11-12) 100,000,000+ angels encircled throne "worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise!"
(13) Every creature in heaven, earth, under the earth, on sea and within say, "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praised, honor, glory and power for ever and ever!" 4 living creatures said "Amen", elders fell down, worshiped.
Application: How do I fulfill my responsible as a citizen of Heaven and as a priest? How do I live as an ambassador for Christ? Who do I pray for daily, who is God placing on my heart to share his good news to?