

Messiah is born; war breaks out in heaven and earth

AIM: In God’s sovereignty we are protected and victorious in the battle against Satan
A) The great sign in heaven is the birth of the Messiah
(1) Great sign in heaven, woman clothed with sun, moon under feet, crown of twelve stars on her head
(2) Pregnant about to give birth
(3) Another sign in heaven, enormous red dragon, 7 heads, 10 horns, 7 crowns
(4) tail swept 1/3 of stars from sky to earth, dragon wants to devour child when he’s born
(5) woman gives birth to male child who will rule with iron scepter (Psalm 2:8-9; Revelation 2:26-27; 19:15; 1 Samuel 2:10; Psalm 28:5; Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 30:14; Daniel 2:34)
(6) Woman fled into place prepared by God, taken care of for 3 ½ years
Application: God prepares places to protect us. When have I experienced God’s protection or been that protection for others in His name?

B) Birth of the Messiah marks war in heaven, devil thrown to earth
(7) THEN war broke out in heaven. Michael/his angels against the dragon, he/his angels fought back
(8) BUT dragon/angels not strong enough, lost place in heaven
(9) great dragon/ancient serpent/devil/Satan who leads the whole world astray hurled down to earth with his angels
(10) loud voice in heaven “Now have come salvation, power, kingdom of God, authority his Messiah,For accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before God day and night has been hurled down
(11) They triumphed by blood of Lamb and word of their testimony – unafraid to die
(12) Rejoice heaven, woe to earth – because the devil knows his time is short
Application: We are victorious over Satan by the blood of the Lamb and word of our testimony. How does the testimony of scripture lead me into victorious living for Christ?

C) The offspring of the woman are those who keep God’s commands
(13) Dragon saw he’d been hurled down he pursued the woman who gave birth to the child

(14) Woman was given two wings of great eagle, she might fly to place prepared wilderness out of serpents reach for 3.5 years (verse 6) (times, time and ½ a time)
(15) From mouth of serpent spewed water, like a river to overtake the woman
(16) Earth helped her by swallowing up the river
(17) Dragon enraged at woman, went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus
Application: I am protected and victorious by keeping God’s commands and holding fast to my Testimony.


"Christmas From a Cosmic Perspective" from Grace Church on Vimeo.