

Abiding in Christ is possible

John 15:4-7, Those who remain in Jesus Christ will produce much fruit, like branches on a vine - without Christ we can produce nothing... Keep his word in you

  • Psalm 119:15-16; Study, reflect, delight in and don't forget God's word
  • Isaiah 40:31; Trust in the Lord and find new strength - effortless like eagles soaring

1 John 2:3-6; Be certain you know and love Jesus by obeying his commandments, living as he did

  • Acts 17:28; In him we live
  • 2 John 9; Remaining in the teaching of Christ shows our relationship to Father and Son
Proverbs 8:34; Joyful are those who listen, watch and wait for the Lord
2 Corinthians 4:15-16; This is for your benefit, as God's grace reaches more and more people...Never give up because our bodies are dying but our spirits are being renewed every day.