

Paul teaches Colossians about new life in Christ

Colossians 2:6-3:4 
AIM: Spiritual mature find their identity in Christ
A) (2:6-16) Identity in Christ 
(6) As you received Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him (remind ourselves of the gospel)
(7) rooted, built up, strengthened in faith, you were taught, overflowing thankfulness
(8) See that no one takes you captive through hollow/deceptive/philosophy/human tradition/elemental spiritual forces rather than Christ
(9-10) Christ fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, in Christ you’re brought to fullness - He is head over all power/authority
(11-12) In him we were circumcised (cut off bondage of sin from the sin), not human hands, whole self buried in baptism (under water can’t breath, symbol you are new in Christ), raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead
(13-14) was dead in sins, God made me alive with Christ - forgiven, cancelled the charge of legal indebtedness - it stood against me, condemned me - He took it away, nailing it to the cross
(15) Having disarmed powers, authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross
Principal: Spiritual fit find their identity in Christ alone. I was born that way, true. But God says you must be born again.
Application: How does my answer to ‘tell me about yourself’ reveal about my identity

B) 2:16:23 Identity theft
(16) Therefore do not let anyone judge what you eat or drink, religious festival, new moon, Sabbath day
(17) These are shadow of things that were to come - the reality is found in Christ
(18) Don’t let false humility, worship of angels, talks about what they’ve seen, puffed up idle notions - unspiritual
  • Rituals routines, greater mystical experience
  • self help, psychology, pharma
  • Seeking “something” more through rituals/cult like practice
(19) They lost connection with head - the whole body is held together, growing as God causes it to grow.
  • Christ and other ideas… is ‘brain dead’
  • “Mystical experience”, “light over darkness”, “good wins over bad”...
  • False teaching about the devil, Satan, Lucifer
Principal: Hollow routines, rules and experiences produce shallow spirituality
Application: What practices or believes hinders spiritual growth.
(20-22) Died with Christ, rules of this world, human commands/teaching are destined to perish
(23) Such regulations indeed appear wise, with self-imposed worship, their false humility, harsh treatment of body, they lack restraining sensual indulgence
  • God intimately known is ultimately treasured

C) 3:1-4 Identity guaranteed
(3:1) raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at right hand of God
(2-3) Set mind on things above, not earth - you died, your life is now hidden with Christ in God
(4) When christ - your life appears, you’ll appear with him in glory
Principal: Spiritual mature set their affections on glory

Special thanks to BSF staff for training at the leaders retreat in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Feb 11-13).