

Saved people praise God for judgement against promoters of sin

Revelation 19
AIM: Every person saved or lost has an immortal soul
A) Those saved by God praise him for his just judgement of corrupted 'Babylon'
(1) After this (Rev 15-18), heard a great crowd shouting "Praise the Lord (Hallelujah)!

  • Salvation (Author of Salvation, charity, mercy, love, hope) and 
  • glory (Worthy of our attention, devotion, affections) and 
  • power (Creator of heaven and earth, all that has life, Lord ending authority)
  • belong to our God (not "my" god, our God - one holy God we know, love and worship)
(2) true, just are his judgments;
  • Condemned great prostitute who corrupted earth with immorality/adulteries
  • Avenged murder of his servants
(3) again shouted: "Praise the Lord (Hallelujah)!
  • smoke from her ascends forever and ever!" (Every person has an immortal soul: Ecclesiastes 12:7; Daniel 12:2-3;Matthew 25:46;1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
(4) twenty-four elders and four living creature/beings fell down and worshiped God "Amen, Praise the Lord (Hallelujah)", like 4 others times
  • Rev 4:4-11 worship in heaven (holy, holy, holy, worthy to receive glory/honor/power as creator); 
  • Rev 5:8 Jesus took the scroll, living creature/being said "come" for the seals being opened
  • Rev 7:9-12 praising God for salvation of multitude from every tribe, people and language standing in white robes before God (and palm branches! Leviticus 23:40;John 12:13)
  • Rev 11:15-19 God has begun to reign in power
(Rev 19:5) God (voice from throne) says, "Praise our God you servants who fear him least to greatest"
(6) Great multitude like roar of mighty ocean/crashing peals of thunders shout: "Praise the Lord (Hallelujah)! For the our Lord God Almighty reigns.
(7) Let us rejoice, be glad, give him honor/glory - wedding of the Lamb, bride has made herself ready
(10) John worships the angel but is admonished, "No, don't worship me, I am a servant of God - like you and the others who testify about their faith in Jesus. Worship only God. This prophecy is to give clear witness for Jesus (Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus) - 
  • 1 Peter 1:12-21; or prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Application: What are the names of people you know, who haven't professed faith in Jesus to you? When will you ask them, 'What do you know about Jesus'?

B) Jesus brings beast, false prophet to eternal justice and kills all their followers
(11) Heaven opened (Ezekiel 1:1 heavens opened saw visions of God, Revelation 4:1 door open in heaven, come up here I'll show you...), white horse (Revelation 6:2 rider held a bow, given crown, bent on conquest), rider named Faithful  and True -

  • Who is this Rider? Revelation 1:5 faithful witness, firstborn from the dead - he freed us from our sins by his blood also Revelation 3:14 to Laodicea he's the Amen, faithful and true witness, ruler of God's creation.
  • Revelation 3:7 to Philadelphia, holy and true - holds the keys open/no one can shut, shuts/ no one can open and John 14:6 "I am the way, the TRUTH and the life..."
  • he judges fairly (John 4 woman at the well)
  • wages righteous war (Revelation 17:14 they asked for it and later they loose; Revelation 19:19,21)

(12) Eyes like flames of fire (Matthew 28:3 like lightening), many crowns on head. Name written on him no one understood except himself
(13) wore robe dipped in blood, title was the Word of God (John 1:1 - Word can be thought of as the total message of God to man (Acts 11:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:13))
(14) armies of heaven followed him also riding white horses, dressed in fine linen, white and clean
(15) Out his mouth sharp sword (Psalm 2:9; Isaiah 11:4 rod of his mouth... breath will slay the wicked)

  • Treads the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty; (Rev 14:14-20)
(16) his robe at his thigh written the title "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
(17-18) Then an angel standing in the sun said to all birds "come...great supper of God - eat flesh of all people..."
(19) beast/kings/armies gather to fight, (20) beast/false prophet captured, thrown ALIVE in lake of fire (burning sulfur) - performed miracles-deluded those who received mark of the beast (21) rest were killed with sword from riders mouth, birds gorged on flesh
Principal: God final judgement against sin is terrifying and certain
Application: What habitual sin in my life do I need the fear of God to help me repent? What do I need him to surgically remove (cut out of my life) from my heart with his precision scalpel (Matthew 5:30)?

Immortal soul of mankind:
Rev 19:11
Rev 19:12 word of God
titles of God: