

3 proofs of bona fide Christianity

I was talking with a friend about our faith in Jesus Christ and about all the other "spin off" religions that are "Christian like" but not Christianity. There are many "statements of faith" that are good to see what a group of believers will "die for", what they will "defend" and what they will "debate". Even better than statements are conversations, my church has 4 weeks of classes called next-steps where people can come and hear what we believe and why. I like the analogy of the FBI learning to spot counterfeit currency, they don't study the counterfeits, they study the real thing so they can spot the counterfeits. So here's my take on the 3 proofs of bona fide Christianity. 

If you can say "yes" to these statements, I would consider you a born again Christian (John 3).
1. Committed to Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord
  • I've understood my need for salvation from the just wrath of God because of my sin nature and personal sin (Genesis 3;Romans 3:23; Revelation 20:11-15)
  • I've turned away from sin and follow Jesus, experiencing his life in me as he promised (Mark 1:8; John 7:39; 14:15-21; 15:26; 16:7-15, Romans 8:2-9; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Joel 2:28-29) 
2. Serving in every-way as a light for others
  • As Jesus said he came not to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3:17). Therefore we carry the light of the gospel to others, teaching them to obey everything Jesus taught us. (Matthew 28:18-20)
3. Loving concern for all people
  • Bible teaches us to honor our family, community and live at peace with all people, advocating for and helping those in need. (Matthew 25:31-46)