

Obedient Christian in Action as a wheel going around

I was talking with a friend today about our shared faith in Jesus Christ and how we've experienced times of prayer and answers to prayer. I told him how my study of the Life of Moses had coalesced for me as "God precedes those who follow his way" and he brought up the ministry wheel from the Navigators. He explained it as when our vertical relationship with God is right in that we are praying to him and listening to his word (the Bible), that directly impacts our horizontal relationship with others (fellowship and witnessing). As the "wheel" turns we can see God's answer to prayer, his word coming true and then we full circle thank God in prayer for all that he does. Seems like this could be easily taught to students in a fun interactive way. So I wanted to pass along these resources for anyone to use.

Enjoy it and God bless: Christian Wheel
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Image from

My Study on Life of Moses