

God's 30-60-90 day plan

 Psalm 90:12 and says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, (NIV, ESV)". After thinking of my friend insight into giving himself one big number (Don't Count the days make the days count), it occured to me that this is overwelming and dificult to messure. So I thought it wise to number your days using a method of planning called 30-60-90 day planning. This helps you and teams you work with make meaningful progress against agreed upon goals. 

The idea is the team comes together with a blank template and writes what they think the team should accomplish in the next 30-60-90 days and what they will contribute to the those goals. This excercise should be done with leaders and workers in the same room and should only take 10 minutes to establish 3 to 5 goals per section. This is a great way to build clarity, unity and help everyone move in the same direction (becuase they have a say in the direction to go). It's important to keep in mind improvesation skills in facilitating this meeting. Cy Wakeman says in here book "Reality Based Leadership" to help people collaborate go with them while suggesting and enhancing their ideas with your own. 

Here's the template: use it to make your own team shine with my blessing