

Jesus is like a magnet that draws us to him

Children's Bible lesson with regards to calling of disciples
Magnets have no impact on plastic (bendable/week), but on metal (strong stable) it works
Magnets have an invisible force (Holy Spirit, wind)
Positive and Negative polarity one side attracts the other repels (parable of sower/soil)
And a magnet can produce a magnet. We see this in the calling of the first disciples John 1:35-51. John the baptists, points Andrew to Jesus and then then Andrew points Peter to Jesus. Jesus calls Phillip to himself and Phillip calls Nathanael.

All you need is a magnet and paper clips to illustrate the growth of the church. Read Titus 2:1-10 and have the children talk about what they see in there own lives and community that make the teaching of our Lord attactive in every way

Titus is instructed to teach and promote living for all age groups to make God our Savior attractive in every way (2:1-10).
(2:1) For you, teach/promote living that reflects wholesome teaching:
·         (2)Older Men: self-controlled/sober-minded/worthy of respect/sound in faith/in love/steadfastness
·         (3) Older Women: life honors God, not slander others, not heavy drinkers but teachers of what’s good
·         (4-5) train younger women to love husbands, children, live wisely, pure, work in homes, do good, submissive to husbands – to not bring shame on word of God
·         (6-7) same way, encourage young men live wisely, be an example, doing good works of every kind, reflect seriousness of teaching
·         (8) Teach truth so it can’t be criticized, opposition will be ashamed, nothing bad to say
·         (9-10) Slaves/bondservants obey/please masters, not talking back/stealing but show themselves to be entirely trustworthy/good – make teaching about God our Savior attractive in every way.