

Jesus heals a man born blind, Pharisees refuse belief

John 9
AIM: Jesus is the light of the world

A) Blind man touched by Jesus, obeys command to wash and sees for the first time
(1-2) Disciples ask Jesus who sinned that, man (born blind) or his parents
(3-4) Neither, happened so works of God might displayed in him, day work, night no one work
(5) While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
(6-7) spit dirt eyes wash Pool of Siloam "Sent" came out seeing
(8-9) Neighbors isn't he the blind beggar, looks like him, he insisted "I am the man"
(10-11) How were eyes opened, "man they call Jesus" mud, eyes told me Siloam wash.. I went, washed, could see
(12) where is he, I don't know

B) Testimony of blind man and his parents is not accepted by mad Pharisees
(13-15) Pharisees asked man how he received sight (Jesus did on Sabbath), mud-eyes, washed-see
(16-17) not from God, doesn't keep Sabbath; but sinner do signs? Blind man: He's a prophet
(18-19) Still don't believe, asked parents - your son born blind how can he see?
(20-23) Yes son born blind, don't know how, ask him, afraid leaders expel believers synagogue
(24-27) 2nd time, glory God tell truth - this man sinner? blind/ now see, I told you already disciple too?
(28-34) Insults, disciple/sinner through him out, Moses God listens to who does his will, only by God

C) Jesus reveals his identity to the man who believes, while Pharisees remain guilty of sin
(35a) Jesus heard thrown out, found him,
35b-38"believe in Son of Man "Tell me, I'll believe" "You now see him" "Lord I believe" worshiped him
(39-40) Judgement, blind will see, seers become blind Pharisees with him asked "We blind?"
(41)  Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.