

How the Gospel Frees Us From Religion

Mar. 5, 2017
"How the Gospel Frees Us From Religion" - Colossians 2:6-12 - Troy Dobbs
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Sustainability, strong finishers

How do help our friends endure? How do help converts stay strong in the faith. To help people from becoming casualties of a spiritual war.

Col 2:6-12
Received him, Christ  (Anointed, chosen by God, Savior, Jesus is the Greek name of Hebrew word Joshua) the Lord (God) - so walk in him
Fall away for 2 reasons
Truth deficit: believe something about Jesus that's not true.
Trust deficit: real, practical trust of our hearts not really in Jesus but our own intellect, persuasion and gifting

Walk should be
Rooted - agricultural, organically connected in Him. Live out of the reality of your new position in Him (Jesus Christ). Nourished by Him, tree without roots falls over
Built up - architectural, progressive and completed. Nor partially constructed eye soar. Not satisfied with partially constructed spiritual life, moving forward toward completion
Established in the faith - Married, not just engaged/dating or attracted to Him
Abounding in thanksgiving - not gripping, not nit-picking or generally negative about circumstances.

False teaching attacks the person of Jesus Christ  (8-10)
 - 100% God, 100% Man (9)
 - We are filled in him, saved through the work of Jesus not our works (10-12)

Circumcision - death to flesh, set apart
Baptism - Buried, Raised to life

Doctrine of circumcision and baptism

The memorial wall in Washington dc with names of those who died in world war 2 is not the reason for our freedom. It is the fact they fought.

Gal 2:20, Christ living in me, faith in Don of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Faith expressed in love, Gal 5:6

Lack of connection between Christ and your life is not normal.
 - conviction, motivation, struggles are not reasons to worry but to have thanksgiving.

Worry about the guy that checks the box and gas no impact on his life.

Solution to a struggling walk with Jesus is focusing more on Jesus, not yourself
 - not another book, sermon or accountability partner.  Those are good things but lousy saviors.

Christian always grows by nutrition not by addition.
- feasting on God's word and his Son. Not doing more things to try and win God's favor.

Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I say.
- he says "Come to me (with heavy burden), put my yolk upon burden is easy, light"
- he says "believe God, believe also in me, I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, no one comes to the Father accept through me."

We have to persevere but we won't if we aren't rooted in him. He lives in you and have everything you need  (Eph 1, 2 Peter 1)