

Mark 1:38, Let's go preach

"Let’s Go!...Living Out The Cause of Christ" - Mark 1:35-42 - Greg Stier, Founder and CEO Dare 2 Share Ministries
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Kids don't evangelise because we don't model it

If he didn't take Jesus he hit him with Moses

Let's go, not let's meet.

Let's go, not let's send

- to our neighbours, friends, coworkers and strangers
 - field trip in Sunday school
3 steps
 - pray, care, share

Jesus started with 40 days of prayer, ended with 3 hours of prayer, he is eternally interceding on our behalf.
- walk and pray, luke 5:16 often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Don't wait for tragedy to pray
 - a pattern of prayer like Jesus
 - intercessor prayer, passion for Jesus
 - risk dying a social death
 - 1 lost person on your heart. What is lost? Unsaved, saved but missing from fellowship, saved but in bondage from lack of confession....

 - deaf to hurt people around us. They say hello every day but we keep walking
 - Mark 1:40-42. Who is the leper in your community?
 - how to share, bring it up naturally
 - may 7 9am 154. Share life
Personal relationship.
Share: Hell
 - God responsible for saving
 - We are responsible for sharing Rom 10
 - the person's responsible for believing Rom 1

We don't connect the dots, we own our dot.

Jesus died in the middle of hopelessness to bring light to darkness. Ring the bell.