

Gospel Impacts our Relationships

"How the Gospel Impacts our Relationships" - Colossians 3:18-25 - Troy Dobbs
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Belief and life should not have any gap

The Lordship of Jesus is stressed in every part of life

See in the Lord 

Uniqueness of people and roles. Honour the Lord in different ways. 

God's design is not a uniformity of roles a uniformity in relation to Christ.

Some despise their role....
...but Jesus infuses each role with value. Unique value, different in function. 

Wives, submit - fitting in the Lord. 
- submit means to place oneself under, to have a covering. Willingness. Jesus to Father 1 Cor 15:28, Us to one another ephesians 5:21
- structure 
- fitting in the Lord, don't submit if he's not "in the Lord". Based on the Lord, not your husband. Christ honouring woman, worships God in submission to his ordained structure. 
- function does not equal value  (?). All people are equally valuable..
- creates unity, life giving

Husbands love, fathers do not provoke
- gracious, kindhearted
- not harsh, not discouraging. Sharp, painful, embittered words. Language, words are only 18% of what's communicated - watch what you communicate. 
- Ephesians 5:23, as Christ heads church
- primary responsibility, but not a solo responsibility 
- initiative, not passive. Don't check out. 
- Ephesians 5:25, as Christ gave his life.
- the cross
- our words, wives and children. 

Children obey parent's, please Lord 
- motivation for obedient children is to please the Lord, not their happiness. 
- hear parents voice, move, act - when they say to and what they say to do.
- respectful,

Employees serve with sincerity 
- Slaves...old not relevant. What about the rest? hermeneutics .
- doing your best, or doing what's required?
- work hard, not just when boss is present. 
- work as worship, serve God 
- Jesus centered workers will be held accountable col 3:25
- Reputation: according to boss, co-workers, work products? 

Bottom line, Jesus doesn't ask us to do something he wasn't willing to do.
- he submitted, not counting equally with God
- he loved us, in spite if our failures 
- he obeyed went to cross
- he served

It's good news
- cooperation not competition 
- unity, order not kaos, harmony 
- shows how to please God 
- leads to life and blessings 
- challenge to trust God instead of culture. It's a test to see if we will trust God or culture. It takes humility. Remember this is Christ centered advice. 

I want to do what the Bible says.