

Jesus turns water into wine, says his resurrection is authority

John 2:1-25
AIM: Following Jesus in faith let's you in on the miracles

A) Jesus shows his glory, changing water into wine
(1-3) 3rd day of wedding, Cana in Galilee, Jesus mother there - Jesus and disciples also invited - wine runs out, mother tells Jesus
  • Perhaps Jesus who drew crowds of 5,000 had brought an un expected amount of people
  • Taking symbolic meaning, from Isaiah 24:7,9,11 - "no more wine" takes a new meaning, Isaiah 24 regards the destruction of the Earth as God's doing (Isaiah 24:1), a consequence of sins of people (Isaiah 24:5).
(4-5) Jesus "not our problem, my time hasn't come yet" - Mary to servants do what he says
  • Mary knew Jesus was the Messiah (Luke 1:31-33) and may have had Isaiah 25:6,7-9 in mind when she told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
  • Mary's influence on Jesus and Others because the Lord was with her (Luke 1:28). It's God influence working through his servants (Luke 1:38).
  • Principle: God's timing is perfect and deliberate and he uses all things (Rom 8:28), from an embarrassing situation at a wedding to times of suffering (Judges 6:1-40). These timed events or divine appointments are confirmed in the person/witness who is called.
  • Application: Present your problems to Jesus (cast your cares on him), when talking with others about your problems ask them to "do as he says", not "do as I say." What difference could telling a child to do as Jesus says, rather than do as "I" say make? 
(6-8) six stone water jars, ceremonial washing (20-30 gallons each) - Jesus said fill with water, dip some out take it to master of ceremonies (MC) - they did so
  • 25 gallons is 95 liters, a bottle of wine is 1.5 liters, so that's 63 bottles per jar, 378 bottles from all six jars
  • Principles: God's provision is more than enough. God is not limited by time (fermentation). 
(9-10) MC didn't know where the wine was from but recognized it was the best
  • "Share the gospel at all times, when necessary use words"
  • Principle: Everyone benefits from God's grace whether they know it or not (Joel 2:28 promised, John 14:12-21 reminded/clarified,  Acts 2 fulfilled)
(11-12) first of many signs, reveal his glory, disciples believed in him, to Capernaum mother, brothers, disciples 
B) Jesus clears the temple and explains the resurrection is his authority
(13-17) almost Passover Jesus Jerusalem temple courts, people selling animals/exchanging money, whip of cords, overturned tables, "stop turning Father's house into a market" (Ps 69:9)
(18-20) Jews, "what sign, prove authority", Jesus "destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days" - "46 years to build.."
  • No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side, has made Him known. And this was John’s testimony when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him, “Who are you?” He did not refuse to confess, but openly declared, “I am not the Christ.” - John 1:17-20
  • He came as a witness to testify about the Light, so that through him everyone might believe. - John 1:7,
  • (21-22) So after Jesus does his first miracle he immediately talks about the miracle that proves his authority. The resurrection. 1 Cor 15:4
(23-25) In Jerusalem, Passover Festival, people saw signs and believed in his name but Jesus wouldn't entrust himself to them - he knew all people, didn't need testimony about mankind, knew what was in each person.