

God's sovereignty and our hope and faith in Jesus (Psalm 2-4, Matthew 2-4)

Psalm 2 is about the Lord's anointed, the One enthroned in heaven. God's son. This is later quoted in Acts 4:25-26 as believers prayed to God in thanksgiving for his awesome plan (Acts 4:1-37).
Matthew 2 is about Jesus being recognized as the one who has been born king of the Jews and his supernatural protection (Matthew 2:13; Revelation 12:4).

Prayer: God help me to see your plan and do your will even during the struggle against sin in my life. Help me to see your plan even as friends and family struggle to survive and make ends meet. Build our faith, help us to be faithful to you in all things in Jesus name Amen!

Your view of God is the benchmark of your spiritual maturity

Psalm 3 is a lament and praise to God for his protection, provision and deliverance from harm. Matthew 3 is about the call to repentance (Matthew 3:2,8,11) from John the Batist and his witness of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father at once (Matthew 3:16-17). Repentance is the other side of coin of faith. Faith and repentance go together, you can't have one without the other.

Prayer: Lord God, I see you have brought me to a place to see my need for you. You have protected me and shielded me from the disgrace I deserve. Thank you for loving me, for put my feet on solid ground, for providing me with great mentors and helpers along the way. I see your hand in sustaining my life and delivering me from the destructive consequences of my own sins. My sins are against you and I repent of them. I believe wholeheartedly in your grace that enables me to remain faithful. Protect me now Lord, help me to walk faithfully with you. amen.

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17)
Prayer: Thank you God for the continuity of Scriptures written over the centuries that relate the power, truth and wisdom of your plan. Thank you for preserving your word and giving us the light of the Holy Spirit to understand it and walk with you. Amen!

Psalm 4:1 David laments, "Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer." Then immediately hears God reply, "How long will you people turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods"

The remedy and prescription for those who feel far from God:
Tremble and do not sin;
    when you are on your beds,
    search your hearts and be silent.
Offer the sacrifices of the righteous
    and trust in the Lord. (Psalm 4:4-5)

Psalm 4 relates to Matthew 4 in that our faith is tested by the will of God just as Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tested. Jesus answered the devil's temptations with fasting and prayer. The devil tempted him as the "Son of God (3)", Jesus responded in his humanity "Man shall not (4)". The devil said in a way, "be foolish with your life - God's got you (5-6)" but Jesus said, "It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.' (7)."

Psalm 4:2 relates to Matthew 4:8-9, The devil tempts us, taking us to a high mountain and showing us the all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. The promise he never keeps is "worship me and this is yours" - Let's take Jesus advice and say out loud "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ (10-11).

When Jesus preaches people living in darkness receive light/repentance/faith, a new calling and physical healing (Matthew 4:12-25). 

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for showing the way to humbly in this world and to be silent and still to hear your voice. I love you Lord. Let the life I live be in your power and strength for you glory for ever. I'm sorry for putting you to the test by living foolishly, I repent Lord. Thank you for exposing my darkness with your light. I will not give into temptation but tremble and offer the sacrifices of the righteous, trusting in you and renouncing the devil. In Jesus name. Amen.