

Cain said, "look what I did", Abel said "look what you did"

Jesus reminds us to worship God in spirit and truth. Paul culminates the good news of Romans to give ourselves as living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God.

I've been reflecting on Cain the past few days, how Titus clarifies his error in relation to new testament believers. Reviewing my Bsf lesson on Romans 3 gave me this insight today, no one is righteous apart from God.

As we worship with our whole lives, let us praise the One who gave us life, ability, desire and who forgave us, giving us new life. That's the truth that makes any sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God.

God let my spirit leap for joy in praise to the truth of what you've done in my life and continue to do. I'm looking forward to seeing you at work in our hearts today. May everything we say and do point to you. That many would come to saving knowledge of what you've done through the life, death, resurrection and soon return of Jesus Christ.

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