

Best response when someone confesses sin and what to avoid

I heard a preacher give this funny anecdote. At the end of training the older pastor says to the apprentice, "son when you're receiving confession, you've got to say something other than 'WOW'"

Three reactions to avoid
1. Judging, either for or against
 - you have every right to...
2. Problem Solving, sound like "you should..."
3. Indifference, might sound like 'okay rub some dirt on the wound and get back in the game'

So how do we respond if Judging, problem solving and indifference are not the right way?

Three reactions that will always help
1. Respond Biblically
 - Speak as though speaking the very words of God, 1 Peter 4:7-11
 - Speak truth, in Love, (Jesus said by your love they will know your my disciple)
 - "the world says, but the Bible says" - good example: the world says a thief is no longer a thief when he stops stealing, but the Bible says "Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need." Ephesians 4:28

2. Triage and bring it to the Lord in prayer
 - assign degrees of urgency, plead to the Lord, then trust and follow his guidance

3. Have compasion
 - Jesus looked at people with compassion, we are to do the same.