

Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ (Romans 5:12-21)

Wonderful gospel being revealed to me this week. Wonderful time on so many fronts, praise the Lord! The way the apostle Paul argues this point reminds me of an old movie Airplane where a passenger is hysterical. The guy slaps her once, then again to calm her down. The argument flows like that for me, Adam-Christ, Adam-sin, sin-death, grace - Christ, Christ- justifies, disobedience - sin, obedience - righteous... then the line forms with others wanting to take their turn...

The big idea here: Because of Jesus, many WILL BE made righteous.

Romans 5:12-21
A) God's grace is much more!
(12) sin through Adam, death through sin, death to all, all sinned
(13-14) sin before the law given, sin "not charged" nevertheless death reigned, even for those not breaking command
(15) gift isn't like trespass, many died by trespass of one, MUCH MORE God's grace and gift in Jesus Chirst OVERFLOW to many!
 - power of sin can be broken
 - gift of God, is irrevocable, unbreakable 
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Romans 11:29 ESV
(16) Gift of God not comparable: Judgement followed one sin = condemnation, Gift followed many trespasses brought justification
(17) trespass of one man, death reigned MUCH MORE those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through one man Jesus Christ
(18) Trespass of one man resulted in condemnation for all people, one righteous act resulted in justification and life for ALL PEOPLE
 - At this point seeing the gospel is more powerful than I'd seen before.
 - Justfified, in right standing before God, feeling Godly sorrow and joy for His loving kindness.
 - Saved without any effort, rescued. It's true was is clarified later in Romans 10 "I was found by those not looking for me, says the Lord"
 - Jesus said all sin will be forgiven except, blaphemy against the Holy Spirit, don't reject that "still small voice" offering open arms for your repentance. It's only to late when you harden your heart against the Holy Spirit and grieve him. Listen to your heart. Believe and live in grace, enter God's rest.
(19) Through disobedience of one man, many made sinners, through obedience of one man many WILL BE made RIGHTEOUS
 - Justification is passed then, Will be made righteous - future tense.
(20a) law reveals trespass (increase), sin increased - grace more, so sin reigned in death,

I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died.
Romans 7:9 ESV

For sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me.
Romans 7:11 ESV

grace reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord