

Incarnation, the Word became flesh

Worship, Hark the Harold angels sing!

Getting eye level, able to communicate
Jesus like us. Human. Hebrews 4:15-16
- able to sympathize with us. In every way.
- Yet unlike us. God, without sin

Other religions: Transcendent means God is far away, wants us to come to him. Not interested in us until we get it right.

Jesus is our mediator, not a priest or Mary. We can talk to Jesus about our struggle because he totally understands us. The Spirit given will remind us of Christ (John 15-17, Romans 8)
Hebrews 7:26-27, Jesus holy, without need of personal repentance. He became the sacrifice for us.

Virgin birth, bypassed the original sin.
Romans 5:12, we all die. Evidence of sins reality (scientific method, we see the evidence). Romans 5:17, Jesus brings Spiritual life, having defeated death at his resurrection

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