

Those belonging to Christ live by the Spirit, not selfishly (Romans 8:1-16)

Focus Verses: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,...The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. (Romans 8:1,16

A) Those who belong to Christ Jesus empowered to live according to the Spirit
(1) No condemnation, belong to Christ Jesus
(2) Power of life-giving Spirit, freed from power of sin/leads death
(3) Law unable to save (Numbers 28:22), weakness our sinful nature, God by his Son he declared end to sin’s control giving him as a sacrifice for our sins
  •  - Everyone who believes in Jesus is justified, not by “doing the law” Acts 13:39
  •  - No matter our desire for doing right we can’t carry it out, Romans 7:18
  •  - God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God, 2 Cor 5:21

(4) Sacrificed; so righteous requirement of the law might in us who live according to the Spirit, not flesh
  • Application:  righteous in God’s sight, walk blamelessly commandments and decrees of the Lord (Zechariah and Elizabeth, Luke 1:5-7), faith upholds the law (Romans 3:31, John 14:15)
  • (Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31) Love the (one and only) LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength AND love your neighbor as yourself. This is the answer to “what should I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25-28) and your neighbor (includes non-believer and enemies who are left for dead by the world, Luke 10:29-37). (Matthew 25:34-36) Feed the hungry, give water to thirsty, give clothing to naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned
  • (John 15:4) Remain in Christ, you can’t have the fruit of Spirit without remaining in Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in God’s name. Teach them to obey all these commands (John 14:15) with an attitude of love for Jesus. (Luke 12:40) Be ready for Christ to return at any time.

B) Righteous thought life reveals if we belong to Christ, confirmed by peace (#LIfeChange)
(5-6) Thinking reveals if dominated by sinful nature or controlled by Holy Spirit. Letting Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace, sinful nature leads to death
(7) Sin nature is hostile to God, never obeyed, never will
(8) no one under control of sin nature can please God

(9) The Spirit of God dwells in those who belong to Christ
(10) If Christ in you, though body dies from sin, Spirit is life because of righteousness
(11) Spirit of him (God) who raised Jesus from death, will raise us who have his Spirit living in us
(12-13) Living by Spirit means we end our selfish ways
(14-15) All who are led by the Spirit are adopted children of God, loved
(16) Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children