

Jesus shows how God forgives people who ask (Luke 15:1-24)

Coming to God for forgiveness
Sins have a root or a starting place.  Ideas and thoughts embraced and repeated become like building blocks that become structures in our hearts and mind.  Our purpose here is to expose the root or foundation of sin that has escalated and grown. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says “bad company ruins good morals." Jesus famously said, "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart... (Luke 6:45)".  So how do we expose sin to remove it and bring healing?

Jesus shows how God forgives people who ask (Luke 15:1-24)
1.  What’s Jesus point in the stories about a lost sheep and a lost coin (Luke 15:7,10)? How is a lost sheep and a lost coin different than a lost person (Luke 15:12-16)?

2.  What significance do you see in the progression of one lost sheep out of a hundred, one lost coin out of ten and one lost son out of two (Luke 15:3,8,11)?

3.  What attitudes does the lost son have in returning to his father (Luke 15:17-19)? How does the father respond to his son returning and the words he speaks (Luke 15:20-24)?  

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