

Life change through weekly challenge to apply scripture

My friend and mentor Greg called me into leadership December 2007 and changed my life. I learned God equips those he calls. That the Lord precedes those who follow his way. To whom much is given, much is required. Every week he'd have a little word, nudging me forward on the path towards godliness. So what exactly has changed?

"I was found by those not looking for me"
1. Through daily Bible study was able to minister to family, friends, and acquaintances - seeing breakthroughs in loved one's lives.
2. Having been a children's leader for 4 years was empowered to lead Sunday school for 120 5th and 6th graders and 6-12 volunteer table teachers.
3. Was tuned to God's will Mother's day during Acts of Apostle study, brought Christine F. to Christ, witnessing the Holy Spirit change her life - Greg was the first person I called to tell.

"Prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"
4. Praying with a friend over the phone for a miracle in his marriage was interrupted by his estranged wife calling on the other line.
5. I was never without gainful employment, having cast my care upon the Lord, who provides everything we need
6. God let me be part of an answer to prayers of men in Rochester and our two new satellite groups in Minneapolis and Red Wing.

"You will always underestimate the impact of your absence in time and eternity"
7. God wants us to be faithful, available and teachable. To grow up into the men he's designed us to be, not "spiritual tadpoles". Greg ministered to me so I could minister to Judy P and facilitate her funeral.
8. August 2015: St. Matthew's Orphanage Center, Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar. The light of Christ shines brightly when all around is darkness.
9. I'm now leading SALT Christian network at Ameriprise, giving a 4 month class on Christian beliefs regarding origins, morality, meaning, and destiny. This curriculum I helped create is also used at my church to help new believers understand the first steps after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.
10. None of this would have been possible without Greg Stratford first saying, "Here I am Lord, send me"

Happy Birthday dear friend. May God bless you, Robin and Megan