

The law given to set us free (Exodus 20 part 1)

Many free people don't live in freedom.
Exodus 20.

1. Law given because God cares.
- do these things because it's good for you, not to make me happy
- focus on the law giver, not the law
2. Rules without relationship doesn't work
- out of relationship we set rules for children so they don't suffer
3. Laws three types
- moral, civil, ceremony
- Jesus clarified and fulfilled the law
4. True obedience rooted in 10 commandments but lived out in the Spirit
5. Everything points to Jesus

First 5 commands
1. No other gods before God, "who brought you out of slavery"
- 99.9% of importance and value of the law
- one true, living God
- God calls us to exclusivity,  see Covenant, marriage, eternal life, give your spirit, receive His Spirit
- Perspectives of "before", not in front, not in conflict.
2. Keep no idols, no graven image
- what might God think is more important in my life than him

3. Do not misuse the name of God
- we don't name God, he tells us his name
- LORD, 7,000 times in OT
- blasphemy to carry God's name against God's purpose.
- copyright, he owns it
- esteem his name

4. Keep Sabbath holy
- established from creation
- work is not the central focus of your life
- redemptively different, regularly remember God

5. Honor father and mother
- days long in land God's giving you
- get your house right, stop worrying about the white house
- obedience and respect, care for them
1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever

Trusting Jesus and doing life your way = bondage
Life his way = Freedom

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