

You are not able to do it alone. (Exodus 18:18 ESV)

You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. Exodus 18:18 ESV

- Seek advice from your parents And in-laws.
- It's good to make life easier for yourself by working with others  (who are called to help you)
- Good leaders listen  (Exodus:18-27)
- Don't devalue organization and structure

How do we our lives and leadership into sanity and balance?
1. Listen to in laws
2. Distinguish between essential and additional
- people don't deligate because of insecurity
- let people realize their gifts and potential
- indispensable people, invest in other people. Train up, encourage others to live up to their highest potential.
- perfectionist assume that no one can do it better than themselves
- "say no, help other people grow"
3. Decide to restrain yourself more and involve yourself less.
- doing more, doesn't garrentee effectiveness
4. Determine when Jethro shows up, you'll listen.

Create a stop doing list, so that we can spend time on the essential  (take away the additional).
What is one thing we can do to make life easier

The secret to the blessed life (peace, rest, joy) is relationship with God through Christ. Not simply delegation.

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