

God's faithfulness and provision this month

Don't forget what comes before the "love chapter", "A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." 1 Cor 12:1-11

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 - One body, many parts; we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.

Jan-Feb, started a group at work called Salt and Light Today at work and learned about healing and deliverance from some new friends. Bill and I prayed for Jason and though he went to prison to serve his sentence - we had a blessed time of healing and prayer over the phone. I'm looking forward to visiting him soon, God willing. This teaching helped me understand how to pray and minister to believers in bondage (starting with me): Born again believer in bondage to sin and hypocrisy

Mar-Apr, Family visits and prayers of intercession during walks with Millie discovered...Prayer changes things

Mar - Prayer for my sister and her husband to connect with family and receive true freedom in Christ. God starts working...
3/22 - flight to Pheonix with Kim, enjoying a meal with John, Jack, Pam, Cass and Aiden. Plans for John to live with us and sell his home in St Louis
3/23 - Pompeii exhibit, a Divine appointment with Joy and Darren, encourage them to stay with us and get support and services in MN.
3/24,25 - Prayer and worship, brings miracle yes as soon as 3/28. Much planning later I agree to fly and spend a night  4/13 to help them travel back on 4/14. We wait and hope, trusting in him.
4/12 - Rescheduled our flight from 4/14 to 4/15 because of a bizzare spring blizzard
4/13 - Dead sea scrolls, safe travel, encouraging encounters seeing children learning at Denver Science Museum. Answers to prayer for reconnecting with my sister and brother in law. Peace and healing and a good nights rest.
4/14 - in the midwest it snows all day, over a foot of snow, everything is shut down. We pray thanksgiving to God for the extra day in CO. We spend the day packing and still can't finish. Without an extra day - they wouldn't have made the trip. This snow was no coincidence. I was reminded of the battles of Old Testament prophets but with a New Testament understanding.
4/15 - flight day, we made it to the airport on time without incident. We were held over at Denver allowing for time to stretch.  When we landed in MN and turned on our phones heard that uncle Milt had died. My mom later sent a message about our family on flight day.
4/16 - the day started with MN Prayer breakfast and fellowship with friends
4/17 - a teaching on Biblical hospitality, the church is a hospital, we are the church, applied with making a tasty meal for dinner that worked wonders in my heart.
4/18 - God answered too many prayers to recount, went to church with my friend Ryan on his birthday at noon.
4/19 - I led a group at work about Christianity 101 (Meaning) where we talked about the gospel of God's love in Jesus Christ. Had a nice time with Darren, Paul and Joy
4/20 - Enjoyed fellowship and a quiet evening with Kim
4/21 - Enjoyed a quiet day of puzzles, warm weather and fellowship with Mom, Joy, Darren, Kim and my BSF group
4/22 - Enjoyed breakfast and fellowship with Joy and Darren over breakfast. Believing in God's provision and peace in our lives. Looking forward to worship and the word at

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