

Blessings of Moses, explained by Jesus (Deuteronomy 28:1-14;Matthew 5:1-19)

I had discovered this a while ago, but hadn't studied it to find parallels. Then this morning I was dreaming about it as the summer rain was coming down and I was sleeping in later than normal. The NASB has Deuteronomy 28's blessings line by line like Matt 5. This got me thinking about the context in which Jesus taught and what his listeners would think about when he started talking about blessings. As I did this study, the shock between what Moses said and what Jesus was saying would bring tears to the eyes of the hearers.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14;Matthew 5:1-11; Psalm 34, Matt 5:12-19

Deut 28:1-3) Diligent, careful obedience, Lord will set you above nations of earth, blessing will come upon you, overtake you, blessed shall you be.
 - Matt 5:3) Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven

Deut 28:4) Blessed offspring and work (produce, animals)
 - Matt 5:4) Blessed those who mourn, they shall be comforted. What a shock! Reminds me of the first time I worshiped to Be my Everything- Tim Hughes, "God in my weeping, hurting"

Deut 28:5) Blessed shall be your investments (basket, kneading bowl)
 - Matt 5:5) Blessed are meek/gentle, inherit the earth

Deut 28:6) Blessed when come in and go out
 - Matt 5:6) Blessed hunger and thirst for righteousness, satisfied

Deut 28:7-8) Enemies defeated before you, flee, Lord will command blessing on you
 - Matt 5:7) Blessed are the merciful, they shall receive mercy

Deut 28:9) Lord will establish you, holy people, obey/walk in His ways, the prosperity of heaven,
 - Matt 5:8) Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Deut 28:10) all people will see you are called by His name, and be afraid of you
 - Matt 5:9) Blessed are peacemakers, called sons of God

Deut 28:11) Lord will make you abound in prosperity (Deut 28:4)
 - Matt 5:10) Blessed are those persecuted for sake of righteousness, theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3).

Deut 28:12) Lord will open His good storehouse, rain in its season, bless all the work of your hand (Psalm 90), lend - not borrow
 - Matt 5:11) Blessed when people insult, persecuted

Psalm 34 goes with Matt 5:12-19, I'll do that another day.

Thank you Lord for guiding me today, blessing upon all who walk in your way, In Jesus name!

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