

Interpretation and allusion

I've been thinking of a church ministry that would be an outreach for people who want to increase computer literacy (for children and adults). It would be called Below is an example of a project we would build and make available on Github: A series of A.I. (Faith, hope, love...) that would interpret user-supplied text and provide Biblical results of each. Each project would be hosted and free for all to use as well as give contributors a series of online badges to show literacy and progress. We'd start local and build it out into a globally recognized para-ministry like BSF, YoungLife, Celebrate Recovery and CRU, yet documenting skill achievement like Eagle Scouts.

Interpretation comes at the text with a structural background and emphasizes, recognizes and sees importance from that perspective. It would be fun to code A.I. that could have a background pre-defined, then give it text to look for what it considers "meaningful information".

So we could create an A.I. called "faith" then teach it everything we know about faith, both Biblically and secularly. Then let "faith" read a book and give the highlights. Faith would look at Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and highlight key ideas that expose what the characters believe in and why/when/where it found these insights. It would give interpretive probabilities in plain English rather than displaying the data behind the analysis.

A.I. for each attribute of God, Love, Grace, Wisdom. Each would highlight points from a text. Could be displayed as bubble chart.

An allusion is an act of making an indirect reference to something

Create definite terms
 - Sabbath: is a holy day (Gen 2:2-3), holiday, the last day of creation, a day of rest, a day of remembrance (Ex 20:8-11, 31:13-18), Saturday, Seventh-day, a day of completion. Then use Thesaurus API to get more words i.e. completion (end, finish, conclusion, achievement, fulfillment)

The platform may be simple to use PostreSQL

Prayer: God help me to be wise, humble and responsive to your call. If this is your desire, let it be so for your glory, in Jesus name, Amen.

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