

Joshua recounts history and covenant to the Lord before death (Joshua 22-24)

AIM: Our faith is a response to God's faithfulness, or God's word increasingly became Joshua's thoughts, words, and actions.
Joshua 22-24
A) Joshua blesses 3 tribes with greatest commandment and treasure
22:1-6) Joshua Blessed Reubenites, Gadites, 1/2 tribe Manasseh "You kept all Lord commanded, listened, not forsaken brothers - go love God, walk in His ways/commands, hold fast to Him, serve Him all heart and soul
7-9) 1/2 tribe Manasseh Bashan, other 1/2 west beyond Jordan - blessed with riches, divide with brothers
Application: Walk in the way of the Lord, abide in love (see John 14-16)

B) Altar causes conflict, conversation reveals motives
10-12) region of Jordan, land of Canaan, Reuben/Gad 1/2 tribe Manasseh built a large altar - WAR
13-20) Unlawful act, turning away, rebellion against Lord - we'll all die! remember Achan
21-25) God knows if rebellion or concern for Him, our portion
 - 26-29) So we built the altar, witness between us and you - a copy, His tabernacle
30-34) pleased with the answer, "Today we know that the Lord is in our midst because you have not committed this unfaithful act against the Lord; now you have delivered the sons of Israel from the hand of the Lord" - war avoided
Application: Listen to where people are coming from before jumping into judgment

C) God reminds of His faithfulness, Joshua commits to serving Lord, reveals His holy jealousy
23:1-13) Joshua calls leaders; God fought for you, kept His promises - firmly keep His commands, love God, forsake idols or they will snare, whip, thorns in eyes leading away from God and this land
14-16) Heart/soul knows God's word doesn't fail, God will act on His threats when you transgress covenant serving other gods.
24:1-13) leaders presented themselves before God, "thus says the Lord 'Ancient times Abraham's dad served other gods. I took him, led him Canaan, Isaac, Jacob Egypt/Esau Mount Seir, Moses/Aaron - I plagued Egypt, darkness/red sea, wilderness, I brought you here, destroyed enemies, Balaam, the kings I gave them to you, you benefit without labor, eating from vineyards and olive groves you didn't plant.
14-15) Fear Lord, serve Him in sincerity/truth, put away gods ancestors served Egypt, serve the Lord - choose who you'll serve, for me and my house we will serve the Lord
16-18) We'll not forsake the Lord to serve other gods, he brought us/our fathers from bondage, did great signs, preserved us, won our victories - we'll serve the Lord He is our God
19-28) Joshua: you won't be able, He is holy, jealous, not forgive transgression or sins. Let a stone be a witness against you
Application: Motivation is not enough, God seeks our wholehearted obedience.
29-33) Joshua died 110 years old, buried with Joseph's bones Gibeah of Phinehas hill count of Ephraim

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