

Good input leads to good output (TrustEdge on Character)

Reading the Trust Edge by David Horsager
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Choose your words, for they become actions.
Understand your actions, for they become habits.
Study your habits, for they will become your character.
Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny. - John Boe

1. Clarity, 2 Compassion, 3. Character
 - To reduce stress get to work. Procrastination multiplies stress. Instead of procrastination commit to meeting difficult tasks head-on. Do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether you feel like it or not.
 - Make congruent decisions based on core values. This reminds of Doug Lennik coaching at "making the ideal real". Years ago my core values were self-focused "seeing the possible", "happiness" - now my values are "God", "Family", "People", "work" - it's not a complete change of my original values but a maturing of those values. Matt 19:26, John 16:24
 - Know your values and make them known. "Christian, husband, churchgoer"

Accountability can motivate integrity.

  1. Set clearly defined expectations of behavior and outcomes
  2. Have team help create objectives they'll follow through on
  3. Make it visible, measure results, regularly ask people how they are doing with projects
  4. give feedback, create buy-in of upper management
Five ways to build character
1. Be humble "humility is the beginning of wisdom" 
2. Live out your principles and values, "I'm hardworking and generous" Eph 4:28
3. Be intentional, if we must be a slave of habit be a slave of good habits - Og Mandino
4. Practice self-discipline, 1 Timothy 4:8, train yourself in godliness - it's valuable in every way.
5. Be accountable, surround yourself with people who have high expectations for you. Be responsible to yourself first. Lose the pride. Open yourself up to accountability.

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