

Not just the wax and wick but the flame

During Alpha this year I've come to notice several types of people (all of whom I've been in the past) who I'll illustrate with candles. In one of the Alpha films, Nicky talks about having the Holy Spirit as "pilot light Christians", but when the water heater is turned on you know it's running. That's what being "filled with the Spirit is."
So here are my candle illustrations;

Blown out by the devil: This candle represents the believer who has left the church, discourage, angry, offended. They once were full of light but are now dark and confused. They believe Jesus is the son of God, died for their sin and rose to life. They believe the gospel but also lies from the devil that leave hurt and confusion about the character and nature of God. The wick doesn't hold the flame anymore but can still glow when encountering the Holy Spirit.
Burnt out by the world and flesh: A candle that has run out of fuel, lost his childish wonder about God and lives in a Godless world. This is our starting state of being, at some point we come to the end of our rope. Our path has led to another dead end.
Ready for the flame: This is a believer who is ready to follow Jesus, leading in the cause for Christ without reservation.
Healthy, in use: this candle has a steady burn. with liquid fuel on top and a charcoal piece of wick on top. This represents the person actively involved in ministry to others.

In Ministry for the "blown out": The healthy candle pours out his liquid and burns extra high. That flame helps the other burn around and empty wax around their wick. This is mentoring, healing, confession, and prayer together. 
In Ministry for the "burn out": This is where we give ourselves to God and in return have a new life in Christ. We are made whole again, at peace, we understand that God has taken away our sin, shame, guilt and replace it with love, hope, and faith. We tell another person and are light up, ready to grow into who God has made us to be.
In Ministry for those "Ready":  The Healthy carries the flame and witnesses the change in their life from dark to light.
In Ministry for those "Healthy": We worship God together in song, hymns, and spiritual songs. Not neglecting to meet but all the more as we see the day approaching. 

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