

Angelic touch brings freedom for Peter and death to Herod (Acts 12)

In Acts 12 we see that angels can manifest and interact with people, bringing help in time of need or bringing judgment when a ruler has gone too far. We see divine intervention in Peter and Herod's life based on their character. We've seen the character of Peter living life obeying God and now we see the life of Herod against God. We also see that the prayers of the church matter, even when not everyone praying believes. And that being shrewd involves gaining support around an unreasonable king. I love the faith I see in this chapter, no fighting but trusting in God and witnessing miracles.

AIM: No matter what, the word of God spreads and flourishes

Acts 12
A) Angel frees Peter as people prayed
1-4) King Herod arrests/persecutes the church, James (John's brother) killed by the sword, Peter arrested during Unleavened Bread, public trial scheduled after Passover.
 - 5) Church earnestly prayed to God for Peter.
Principle: Prayer is our best response to any situation.  Intercessory Faith, believe in God on behalf of another
6-7) Night before trial, Peter sleeping between two soldiers, angel wakes him up "get up" chains fell off
 - 8-10) Put on clothes and sandals, follow the angel, they passed the guards at two gates, suddenly the angel left.
11-14) Peter came to himself, went to Mary (John Mark's mom), they were praying, Rhoda "Peter's at the door"
 - 15) they didn't believe her, they thought it was "his angel"
 - 16-17) Peter told them what happened and left
Application: divine appointments should be shared with others in the church.

B) Herod plays god and Angel strikes him dead
18-19) Herod looked for Peter, cross-examined guards and had them executed, went to Caesarea
20) Herod quarreled with people of Tyre and Sidon got support from Blastus (trusted servant) to seek peace with Herod for food.
21-23) Fancy Herod addresses people who praised him as a god, he didn't praise God, angel struck him down, eaten by worms and died
24)  But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.

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