

Ready and on mission

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. To destroy the works of the devil. Matthew 9:35-38, guves a snapshot of the mission.
 - reaching out to people 
 - taught in synagogues, harold repent the kingdom of God is near
 - heals every disease (physical) and sickness (spiritual)
 - had compassion for them, bursting heart for people. Because people where helpless and harrassed. 
 - the message is salvation and rescue, not condemnation. 

Matthew 9:37, plenty ready to hear the message but few willing harold the message.  The need is workers and God calls them on mission when we ask.
 - mission is born from compassion
What do I see when I look at the world? It's easy to get disgusted with what we see but God has compassion. 

Where there is prayer there is ministry. Mission must be saturated in prayer. Mission needs workers. 

Harvest is time critical, people are ready to say yes right now. Lot of people interested in Jesus, laborers communicate the message. 

Romans 3:23, all have sinned 
Romans 5:8, while we were still sinner God sent Jesus
Romans 6:23 bad news
Romans 10:9-10,13 call on Jesus through faith

Compassion, not training. Nothing wrong with the harvest. Are we ready to get to work?

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