

God has a wonderful plan for your life don't miss it

Don Berglund, Cru beyond breakfast
Matthew 22:36-37, All your self - love God 
Foundation of life, the cornerstone. 

When. You love someone, relationship characteristics 

Cultivating a relationship with God 
 - listen to God's word, Matthew 23. Hears and obeys built on a rock. Wisdom 
Joshua 1:8, careful to mediate and do everything written in it.
 2 Timothy 3:18, profit for training,  rebuke, and correction 
 - prayer with God
 - making Christ known,  2 Cor 5:20, 14 the love of Christ compels us
 - power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives

What about all the other aspects of life?  Go back to #1, love relationship with God. 

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