

James is about spiritual maturity

I love Warren Wiersbe, reading Be Mature  he talks about the four factors essential to become spiritually mature:
1. We are born again from the Word of God and Spirit of God (James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:23, John 3:5-6)
 - Saved by faith (Eph 2:8-9), which comes from the word of God (Rom 10:17)
2. The Word is the mirror, we should be able to clearly examine ourselves in (James 1:22)
3. We must obey what God teaches us, no matter the cost. Unless we are willing to obey, the Lord is not obligated to teach us (John 7:17).
 - As I've been studying I've thought about people's ability to begrudgingly obedient. So I've replaced obedience with faithful and true. 
4. Be prepared for extra trials and testings, because the enemy will oppose your progress ("tribulation worketh patience" Rom 5:3)
 - When we see our need for patience and ask God for help, God grants us the opportunity to be practice patience. It's in our choice that we grow in patience or continue to be inpatient. This is what it means to be tested by God, while the devil tempts us with doing the opposite (i.e. being impatient).

Maturity is both automatic and unstoppable but can be hindered and unfruitful. Never underestimate the power of God’s Word to change a person’s heart
 - We measure maturity by the word of God and the Son of God (Eph 4:13), not by comparing ourselves to other Christians.
 - Wisdom comes with age, but oftentimes age comes alone
 - Mature Christians are happy, useful, encouraging others and build their local church

The early church is described as "scattered seed" in that they carry God's word with them and plant in good soil. It's important not to retreat in the midst of conflict because God is using this to test our faith. We can prepare ourselves before conflicts or trials come by seeing ourselves against God's standard in his Word and Son and commit ourselves to the needed change. To say yes to God and no to the devil.

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