

Alpha Prayer June 22

Theme: lift up Alpha in our region
“Let’s not be a church that waits; let’s be a church that prays.”
  • In Acts 12, Peter is in prison, the church prays and their prayers make a difference! In Peter's cell, the chains fall off, the doors of the prison fling open, and an angel leads him out to safety. When Peter arrives at the home of the gathering, he doesn't find the church waiting—he finds the church praying! God responded to the cry of His people. 
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen...And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Heb 11:1,6
  • Thank God Alpha is designed to bring people together. We are grateful for the resilience, hope, and creativity of the people of God. Let more churches experience deeply connected relationships with one another and with God!
Lord open our hearts so we can have a genuine love for people, to love one another deeply, from a pure heart
  • Pray for our churches to welcome people who are different and outdo one another in showing honor. Let us go out of our way to esteem people from different ethnic backgrounds
  • Pray for the workers to come and give church leaders wisdom to enlist their help
  • Pray for the lost to be found, they wayward to come home, reconciliation and healing in our families and community.
  • Alpha Twin Cities is preparing a fund-raising event. Pray for preparations, invitations and receptive hearts of those who will - Create a matching donation pool, give testimony of Alpha's impact, cast the vision for our region, and those who will say "YES" to partnering with Alpha.
  • Pray for Alpha participants, to experience the love of Christ and commit themselves to His work.

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