

God remembers Noah and blesses his offspring forever (Genesis 8:1-9:17)

AIM: God's faithfulness is still seen every day by everyone 

Genesis 8-9:17

A) God remembers Noah, waters recede and Noah comes out at God's command

8:1-5) God remembered Noah, wind waters receded, 150 days, July 17 Aarat, Oct 1 mountain tops visible

6-12) 40 days, Noah opened window, raven back and forth, then dove came back, 7 more days, dove olive leaf, 7 more days dove never returned

13-14) Jan 1, Noah 601, dry earth, removed ark covering, Feb 27, completely dry

15-19) God said, come out of the ark, multiply, fruitful, increase in number, Noah did

B) Noah's burnt offering pleases God who plans a blessing in his heart

20-22) Noah altar to Lord, clean birds sacrificed burnt offerings, Lord smelled pleasing aroma, said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. As long as earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

C) God blesses Noah, establishes the death penalty - fruitful, increase, multiply

9:1-3) God blessed Noah, fruitful, animals fear, all living for food

4-6) But not meat, lifeblood, no murder, the death penalty for image of God, God made (asah) mankind (Gen 1:27 God created (bara) Adam and Eve)

 - Understanding Genesis 1 Hebrew: Create (bara) & Make (asah)

7) Be fruitful, increase, multiply

8-17) God to Noah & Sons covenant, all living, all generations rainbow, everlasting Never again will waters become a flood to destroy all life

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