

A trustworthy servant, directed by God brings Rebekah to Isaac (Gen 24)

 Main Point: People who trust in the Lord, are trustworthy in relationships Gen 24

A) Abraham asks for help from a trusted servant to get a wife for Issac

24:1-9) Abraham oath Sr. servant, bring wife for Isaac from my Ur not Canaanite, Isaac stays

Principle: "Companionship Is that which teaches mortals everything." Proverbs 27:17 

Application: Who are my trusted companions in life? Where is God leading me to make genuine friendships?

B) Servant seeks God's help to honor Abraham's desire

10-21) Servant started journey, prays specifically sign, then Rebekah gives water/camels too

 - 21 Without saying a word, the man watched her closely to learn whether or not the Lord had made his journey successful.

22-27) Servant gives gold $10k, gets invited her home, worshiped Lord, "God blessed Abraham and led me here"

Principle: worship is the natural response to answered prayers

Application: Is my prayer life vibrant and natural? Is my worship from a heart that sees God's intervention in my life?

C) Rebakah and family agree to the Servant's trustworthiness and Isaac receives his wife

28-33) Rebakah's brother Leban greets the servant, prepares his food, but first servant must speak

34-49) "I'm Abraham's servant, LORD blessed/wealth, sent me for son's wife, LORD answered with Rebekah

 - 49 Now if you will show kindness and faithfulness to my master, tell me; and if not, tell me, so I may know which way to turn.”

50-61) Leban, Bethuel acknowledge the LORD, give willing Rebekah wife of Isaac, costly gifts

62-67) Servant tells Isaac everything, Rebekah became his wife, he loved her

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