

Isaac is born, Hagar and Ishmael sent away, Abraham makes an oath (Gen 21)

Main Truth: In spite of our conflicts God provides for everyone needs

A) God's faithfulness and power displayed in the birth of Isaac

1-2) Lord gracious, did what he promised, at the time promised (Gen 17:19,21)

3-5) Isaac circumcised at eight days old, Abraham 100 years old

6-7) Sarah, "God brought me and everyone who hears this laughter, old as we are nursing a son"

B) Sarah, Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael at odds yet God provides for everyone's needs

8-10) A great feast, Ishmael mocked Isaac, Sarah wants Hagar/Ishmael gone, never to share inheritance w/Isaac

11-13) Abraham distressed but God said do what Sarah says, Isaac 'reckoned', Ishmael a nation also

 - Galatians 4:22-31 - Reason for sending Hagar away is flesh verses promise

Application: we should take our concerns to God first and look for his answer to our problems.

14) Abraham sent Hagar with food/water to wander Desert of Beersheba

15-16) Hagar, no water, set boy down and cried assuming death

17-18) God heard boy crying, angel of God "what's the  matter, Hagar?" don't be afraid, lift him up, take hand, for I will make him into a great nation"

 - God is gracious to everyone who is broken-hearted

 - Asks what's the matter? Get clear in your mind.

 - God gives with courage, action steps, and promises

19) Then God opened her eyes to a well of water

 - Then God shows the path to take, yet we must walk in this

20-21) God with Ishmael, archer, got a wife from Egypt

 - We should welcome his descendants to be reconciled, forgiven, and brought into a new life with Jesus (Gal 5)

C) Conflict over water, oaths, payments, and treaties

22-23) Abimelek, Phicol commander to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do, (don't deal falsely with us, show kindness as we demonstrated)"

 - They noticed God's blessing in Abraham because of his success

 - Challenged because of false dealings and not showing the same kindness strangers have shown to me

24) Abraham "I swear it"

25-26) Abraham complained to Abimelek's servants' seizure of well water, but first time he heard it

27-30) Abraham brought sheep/cattle/7 ewe lambs for treaty and witness that Abraham dug the well

 - Abraham honored God in paying for the well

 - What can I do this week to honor God, seek peace, and show others I can be trusted? Schedule meetings with my colleagues and gain alignment on reference architectures. 

31) Beersheba because they swore an oath there

32-34) Abimelek returned to Philistines, Abraham planted tamarisk tree and called on name of Lord, Eternal God, stayed long time. (Genesis 4:26,12:8,13:4,21:33)


You are the eternal God, the maker of heaven and earth, holy, kind, gracious, and accommodating. Thank you for helping us in our time of need. For opening our eyes and giving us what we need. Your timing is perfect and you bring us into moments of reconciliation for our good and your glory. Father, I have faltered and failed in so many ways. I've not reflected you in my words and actions. Lord, I commit this year to you that I will work heartily as working for you. I will shine and make a difference with your guidance and love. Give me wisdom and provision to grow my faith and mature into the person you want me to be. That many would come to know you and experience salvation in Jesus name. Amen. 

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