

To know your purpose in life, look to God (Gen 27)

 My purpose is to know God, love Him, enjoy Him and glorify Him (Psalm 16:11). God made me for Himself. I belong to God because He created me (Genesis 1:26-27). When I know Him, love Him, enjoy Him and glorify Him, I am truly satisfied (1 Peter 4:11).

Isn’t my life about knowing myself?

We cannot really know ourselves, the world or how we should live without knowing the true God. We know ourselves by looking to God, not inward. Tools work best when used for the purpose they were intended. People live best when living according to their purpose in life. People are created to enjoy God. God made all people to be like Him – in His image. He is holy, wise, creative and loving. God designed people to be in relationship with Him.

Isn’t it just as important to achieve my potential, make friends and enjoy life?

True success is glorifying God in whatever He calls us to do. Our life goals will always be too small until we understand God made us for Himself. Success in school, career or marriage is important but will never completely fulfill us. Even friendship does not satisfy if we seek only to be popular and have fun with friends. Something will always be missing until we realize God made us to enjoy Him. A piece of fruit may be beautiful, but we do not enjoy it until we taste it. God invites us to taste and see

His goodness (Psalm 34:8). The more time we spend getting to know God, the more we will enjoy Him and enjoy life itself.

What does it mean to glorify God?

God is glorified when His character is revealed and people understand what He is like. Everything God created reveals something about Him. The stars, mountains and fish in the sea all show God’s greatness and goodness. This glorifies God. God made people to display His character. Loving people who are difficult to love; doing the right thing even when it is hard; being generous, kind, patient and forgiving – all these things please and glorify God because they express His character. God’s pleasure with us gives our hearts joy.

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