

By God’s power, our salvation is preserved and protected provides a great community for learning and applying the scripture to your life. This week learned about Eternal Security for the believer. Also the past few weeks at church we've had Rob Rienow author of Healing Family Relationships A Guide to Peace and Reconciliation. Healing family relationship has the following God-ordained principles. Forgiveness, prayer, repentance, listening, acceptance, spiritual warfare, boundaries, compassion, patience, mediators, mercy, and generations. 

By God’s power, our salvation is preserved and protected. True believers are kept from falling away

 The Holy Spirit within us bears witness that we are saved (Romans 8:16). He is God’s “guarantee” that we are eternally secure (2 Corinthians 1:22). 

When I do not believe, I feel I have to earn God’s love and my salvation. My confidence depends on what I do and how I do. I become anxious about eternity when I fall short. 

When I believe, I have the assurance that God will never abandon me and that I will not lose my salvation when I do wrong or behave badly

Those who respond in faith to the gospel of Jesus Christ are eternally secure. 
Our assurance of salvation can grow to even deeper certainty as we grow toward spiritual maturity. 
How could you help the young believers in your life gain greater assurance of salvation?
 - Rob Rienw had three great points yesterday; every person needs three spiritual meals. 
1. Personal prayer and scripture reading (speaking to and hearing from God)
2. Family Worship time, name a room in your home family worship room
3. Church Worship and Service

Rob Rienow said something interesting, if you don't have a meal you get hungry, when you don't know your hungry you get "hangry" - but a sign of terminal illness is people stop eating altogether. This struck a chord with me because Saturday night at MNTC Alpha was healing night. I gave my testimony of being 130 pounds (regular is 180), being able to see my heartbeat through my chest, and being crazy, full of terror. God healed me, preserved and protected me. Bringing me to a place of complete repentance. Jesus said "let your no be no and your yes be yes." 100% is way easier than leaving a little room for sin. 
 -  The only thing I don’t like about a miracle is you have to be in a place to need one! - Rob Dean

In 1934, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote words that still apply today:
“The beginning of love for the brethren is learning to listen to them. It is God’s love for us that he not only gives us his Word but also lends us his ear… Many people are looking for an ear that will listen...”

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