

Jacob's family of warriors is protected by God Almighty, generations come and go (Gen 34-36)

A) Shechem's rape brings destruction to his clan 
1-4) Dinah of Leah/Jacob, Shechem of Hamor/Hivite raped her, "love" wanted "wife" 
5-10) Jacob's son's shocked/furious at Dinah defiled, Hamor Shechem set his heart to marry her, intermarry with us 
11-12) Shechem "let me find favor in your eyes, I will give whatever you ask" "price for the bride" 
13-17) Jacob's sons deceitfully we can't unless all males circumcised, then one people 
18-24) Shechem, most honored - immediately convinced all males to do it for riches of the inheritance 
25-29) Simon and Levi killed them all 3 days later, looted everything, woman and children 
30-31) Jacob sees the trouble to come, but they defended Dinah's not a prostitute 
Application: People have a different view of love and do terrible things to others who they "love." How can I influence young men to be honorable to women? I'm listening to Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets 5 Questions to Help You Determine Your Next Move, the last question is what does love require? Jesus said "love one another", "by your love they will know you are my disciple." - not by "belief" but by action. 

B) Jacob remembers God Almighty in Bethel, blessed and named Israel
35:1) God tells Jacob, live in Bethel, altar to remember fleeing from Esau
 - 2-5) Jacob tells household rid foreign gods, come to Bethal worship God
 - 6-7) Jacob builds altar El Bethel, God revealed himself to him when fleeing Esau
8) Deborah Rebekah's nurse died buried under oak Allon Bakuth
9-10) Jacob returned to Paddan Aram, God appeared to him, blessed him named him Israel
11-13) "I am God Almighty (El-Shaddai, Genesis 17:1), be fruitful, community of nations then he went up from him (Gen 17:22)
14-15) Jacob set up stone pillar where God talked to him, poured drink offering, oil Bethel
Application: under duress and affliction when we don't know what to do, God reveals himself. As life goes on, we tend to forget those moments and need reminders. Lord help me remember you coming to me in my hardship and saving me. 

C) Succession of generations from Jacob, Esau and others
16-20) Rachel dies giving birth to Ben-Oni in Bethlehem, Israel named him Benjamin
21-29) Jacob and his sons return to bury Iassac with Esau (Gen 46:8, Exodus 1:1-4)
36:1-5) Esau (Edom), women of Canaan, daughter of Ishmael
6-8) Esau moved to Seir, livestock couldn't stay near Jacob
9-19) Esau's sons: (Wife Adah): Eliphaz (sons: Teman, Omar, Gatam, Kenaz, Amalek), (wife Basemath): Reuel (sons:Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, Mizzah) , (Oholibamah): Jeush, Jalam, Korah (Korah's rebellion? Numbers 16:1-40)
 - Eliphaz was one of Job's three friends (Job 2:11), also mentioned here: Jeremiah 49:7, Ezekiel 25:13, Amos 1:12, Habakkuk 3:3
20-30) Seir (Horite Chiefs living in Edom), Lotan (Hori, Homan), Shobal (Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, Onam), Zibeon (Aiah, Anah), Anah (Dishon, Oholibamah), Dishon(Hemdan, Eshaba, Itran, Keran), Ezer (Bilhan, Zaavan, Akan), Dishan (Uz, Aran)
31-39) succession of Kings of Edom: Bela Beor, Dinhabah city - Jobab Zerah - Husham Temanites - Hadad Bedad Avith city, Samlah Masrekah - Shaul Rehoboth - Baal-Hanan Akbor - Hadad Pau city
40-43) chiefs descended from Esau, Edomites clans/regions: Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel and Iram

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