

Reconciliation by God's initiative, restores relationships

  •  The brothers’ acknowledgment of guilt in their treatment of Joseph and their concern for Jacob and Benjamin set the stage for reconciliation.
  • God took the initiative to bring reconciliation to a relational gap beyond human repair. 
  • As applied to salvation, reconciliation first recognizes our sins have separated us from God and have placed us under His just wrath.
  • God took the initiative and sent His own Son to reconcile us with Himself. 
  • God empowers His people to take the first step in seeking reconciliation
  • Reconciliation is an opportunity to lovingly restore people and relationships as we own our part and help others own their part in conflict. (Psalm 23)
  • In the power of the Holy Spirit, believers can use every conflict as an opportunity to model His reconciling love and encourage others to believe in Him. (Matthew 5-7)
  • Believers live out the ministry of reconciliation as we pursue peace and unity. (2 Cor 4-5)
  • Unexpected and undeserved love further the work of reconciliation. (Titus 3)
  • When I do not believe, my default is to hold a grudge; and I attempt to justify rather than own my part in a conflict. 
  • When I believe, I ask God to give me the courage to make heartfelt amends when I sense a strain in a relationship and the integrity to ask for forgiveness for my part in any conflict.
  • As the most forgiven people in the world, Christians should be the most forgiving people in the world.
  • Who or what in your life are you finding it difficult to forgive?
  • How can the gospel of Jesus Christ motivate and empower you to forgive others?

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