

Spiritual prosperity fulfills God's promise (Genesis 50:20)

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” – Genesis 50:20

Spiritual gifts; prophecy, faith, wisdom. Notes talk about the importance of knowing how God steadies our past, present, and future through prophecy - else we become "rudderless." With the gift, we must be wise in the words we speak to one another. (James 3:4,1-11)

Prosperity – Genesis 49:11-12

"Judah’s portion in the promised land was the fertile south where grapes grew in abundance. God’s prophecy of vines and donkeys symbolizes land overflowing with prosperity. The Lord Jesus Christ identified Himself as the true vine. To know Jesus is to experience true, spiritual prosperity." - BSF Genesis Lesson 29

"Why does a prophecy about a list of ancient people matter to you? To discount or ignore biblical prophecy is to fail to grasp the firm hand of God that steadies human history. The future can feel like the most uncertain part of life. Without knowing that God has a plan for the past, present and future, life feels random and rudderless. Without a God who speaks about and controls the future, you are left to figure it out on your own." - BSF Genesis Lesson 29

Spiritual prosperity is attitude, disposition, inclinations, and desires that are righteous, noble, and honorable to God. It is the fruit of Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) that is produced in abundance and shows up as kindness and forgiveness when the believer is unjustly treated. 

  • Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in God’s name. Teach them to obey all these commands (John 14:15) with an attitude of love for Jesus. - Matthew 28:19-20
  • Love your enemies, do good to them, with compassion - lend without expecting to be repaid, act as children of the Most High – he is kind to the unthankful and wicked. - Luke 6: 35-36
  • Have compassion on people who despise you, even at great cost and inconvenience. - Luke 10:30-35
  • Feed the hungry, give water to thirsty, give clothing to naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned - Matthew 25:34-36
  • Commandments of Jesus

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