

My Essential Identity (who God says I am, in my own words)

 About 12 years ago, I was in a small group study on The 7 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Answer, it came with a workbook and video series that was really great. I came across the workbook yesterday when our water heater broke and took time to rearrange our furnace room. In Step 4 of the second most important question "Who am I?" I wrote a Biblical "Identity Statement" that expresses the reality of my essential self:

I am alive by the grace of God, emotionally, mentally, and physically. The light he has placed in my soul provides a perspective of thanksgiving, peace, serenity, and happiness no matter what in the world happens. I am a steward of God's grace who must allow his grace to flow to others through me. The only way I can do this is through Christ Jesus who removes my sin that blocks his grace. I must turn away from my sin and look towards God who provides for my needs. May God be pleased with my life that I held His light in this world. 

"In all things God works for the good of those who love him" Romans 8:28 

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