

Jesus explains working in his kingdom is about giving not taking (Matthew 19:30-21:17)

 Matthew 19:30-21:17

A) 9th parable of the kingdom of heaven shows God's generosity to undeserving workers

Matthew 19:30) First last, last first

20:1) "kingdom of heaven is like" a generous landowner hiring workers in his vineyard

 - sowing good seed (Matt 13:24)

 - a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31)

 - yeast working through the dough (Matt 13:33)

 - treasure hid in a field (Matt 13:44)

 - merchant looking for pearls (Matt 13:45)

 - a net catching all kinds of fish (Matt 13:47)

 - teachers made into disciples, bringing treasures new and old (Matt 13:52)

 - king settling accounts with servants (Matt 18:23)

 - generous landowner hiring workers in his vineyard (Matt: 20:1)

 - king prepared a wedding banquet for his son (Matt 22:2)

2-7) morning, specific agreement, 9 whatever is right, noon, 3, 5 same

8-12) last got what was specified to earliest workers, they grumbled against the landowner

13-16) God is generous, last first, first last. 

B) Understanding Jesus life, death and resurrection requires a divine touch and a spiritual awakening (Matt 20:17-21:11)

17-19) Jesus tells the twelve about his death and resurrection to come in Jerusalem

20-21) James and John, along with their mother, wanted high positions in Jesus’ kingdom. Their mother recognized Jesus as the Messiah King and wanted her sons aligned with Him

22-23) Drink the cup I'm going to drink? (Matt 20:18-19), yes, but the position is up to Father

24-28) Jesus teaches indignant disciples, the first serves and gives life as ransom for many (20:13-16)

 - dying to self, being made alive for God is a major theme in the Christian faith

29-34) the blind receive sight by asking for mercy and asking to see, the were touch, saw and immediately followed him

21:1-11) people of Psalm Sunday city-wide parade, Jesus’ celebrity entrance in Jerusalem and Temple interrupts everyone

C) Jesus knocks ‘business’ away from ministry (Matt 21:12-17)

(12-13) Jesus enters Temple, drives out people buying/selling animals for sacrifice and knocked over tables saying scriptures declare My Temple house of prayer, you turned it into a den of thieves!

(14) Jesus healed blind, lame who came to him in Temple

(15) Leading priest, teachers of religious law saw miracles, heard children shouting “Praise God for the Son of David” but they were indignant

(16-17) Haven’t you read scriptures ‘You taught children/infants to give you praise’, Jesus returned to Bethany

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