

Jesus "whoever has ears let them hear", the Father's command "listen to him" (Matthew 17)

We learned about the Trinity this week as Jesus was Transfigured. Peter wanted to build three shelters putting Jesus on the same level as Moses and Elijah but the Father interrupted him. "This is my son." This is the second time the Father announced to the world that Jesus is his son. But I had the realization that his command "Listen to him" is as binding as "Let there be light", God's word enables us to carry out his will - it's available to everyone. After Jesus returned to his Father, he asked to send the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and reminds us of everything Jesus taught. 

The Holy Spirit brings to our mind an understanding of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit gives us faith, conviction, grace and brings us into fellowship with the Father and Son. Every day is new, walking in fellowship and freedom with God. Hearing his voice in our hearts, his Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are his children. 

What does the passage teach about God’s character and His values?

What does the passage teach about people? 

Matthew 17:1-5 

  • God is Holy 
  • Jesus is divine, God's son 
  • We have a limited understanding of spiritual reality 
  • We memorialize big experiences 
  • God wants us to LISTEN 

Matthew 17:6-13 

  • Jesus touches people 
  • Jesus is holy 
  • People are recognizable in the afterlife 

Matthew 17:14-21 

  • People have desperate needs 
  • Faith in Jesus for healing 
  • Disciples concerned with skill even when given authority 
  • God is compassionate, merciful, healer, sufficient for all needs 

Matthew 17:22-27 

  • God provides, preparation for future 
  • God is sensitive to our weakness 
  • God provides instruction that builds our faith

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